About 95% of people aged 11-30 are affected by acne, particularly teens. Currently, acne is incurable and treatment involves trial and error, with many negative side effects. Spotless face masks create a skin solution for everyone, using futuristic synthetic muscle technology to guarantee this blemish banishing face mask is 100% effective.

Instagram is the focus due to its associations with perfection, a large contributor to desire for the product. The Spotless campaign would appear amongst the feed of ‘perfect’ posts, using playful copy to attract attention, plus the brand colours and 'sticker' style type to encourage brand recognition. A mix of sponsored feed posts, stories and influencer content would be used.

Publicity Event
A nation wide event providing a point of excitement to be spread on social media. Existing school busses/student heavy bus routes would be replaced with a Spotless 'school bus'. The bus would park on site for the day with pop up activities at break/lunchtime. For example, the ‘Pimple Popping Piñata’ (pop to win the face masks and merchandise inside), a branded photo booth and freebies/merchandise (such as t-shirts and stickers) to be handed out.