The seasonal Spring campaign for Budgens was briefed to be 'fresh, clean and spring like' with 'simple strong bright colour' that needed to stand out in busy supermarkets. The concept also had to be adaptable to seasonal festivals and events, and easy for any customer to connect with.
The solution is a vibrant campaign combining fresh bright colour and decorative illustrated type. The simple ‘Made for Spring’ slogan plays with the idea of being excited or ‘made up’ for Spring. It directly reflects the unique type forms that are ‘made’ from different Spring elements. The visual elements work flexibly across varied communications, such as hanging cards, promotions and reusable shopping bags.

Variants for specific festivals/events:

Floral typeface:

Alternative Concept Sketches:
'The New Spring Chicken'

‘The New Spring Chicken’ concept uses a unique character of a flying pig to reimagine the clichéd ‘spring chicken’ idea.
A story would be told across communications for different events/occasions, for example: a love story between 2 pigs for valentine’s day, and the pig with her piglets for Mother’s Day, the year of the pig for Chinese New Year. This ongoing storyline has the potential to be developed well across various communication channels, including social media.
Variants for specific festivals/events:

Note: this work was completed during my placement with Fishpie. Both concepts were my own ideas; the 'Made for Spring' concept was further developed and presented to the client, but not selected as a final route.